Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Smart in the Office/Smart in the Truck – Doing more to perfect data collection and positively impact performance through in cab technology

While a few system providers have offered onboard fleet management tools for several years that include computing power, memory, touchscreens, and even a database in the cab of the truck, there has certainly been an uptick recently of more vendors joining that club. Clearly the industry sees benefit in doing more on board. There is no shortage of good reasons for this.

Customers have discussed with me an array of results they will achieve by leveraging technology in the cab, and even beyond the cab with handheld devices, sensors, etc. Eliminating paperwork not only makes life easier for the driver and for administrative personnel…it also drives accuracy. Reduced errors mean better customer service and a direct path to better results at the bottom line.

Efficiency increases by accurately capturing and communicating in a timely and actionable way the events that occur in the field. One industry veteran told me that, “the best data is data captured as close as possible to the point at which it happens.” With the right onboard tool, the quantity and quality of actionable data improves. No averages…no gaps. The beauty of the newer technology on board is not only the capture of this information, often in an automated or minimal keystroke way, but also the ability to manage the communication of that data so that it gets to the right place at the right time….IN A WAY THAT MAKES FINANCIAL SENSE.

Sorry to yell there, but it is an important point. Recognizing the value of doing more on board is one thing. Pulling it off in a cost effective manner is something else. This is where the focus comes off of the onboard device, and on to the applications and overall system architecture. Without this part being right, the value of the onboard device cannot be optimized.

A powerful onboard computer whose cost to use is unaffordable does not get the desired result. Think about the possibilities…..handheld POD….temperature, tire pressure, weight, rollover sensor and other monitoring…..cameras….fatigue detection….onboard navigation…driver entertainment and training! The capabilities and their potential impact are remarkable. Happier, retained, safer drivers…attracted from the younger pool of people in the workplace is an example. This technology migration is a meaningful, positive trend for the industry which, when done right, creates a big win for everyone in the supply chain, as a friend in the food distribution industry puts it….from “farm-to-fork.”