In a recent “Trucks at Work” blog posting, Sean Kilcarr discussed Dealing with the Bad – highlighting different methods and techniques for dealing with bad employees. See his post here.
Another method for dealing with bad drivers in the trucking industry that is growing more common is driver score cards. Many private fleets have adopted this practice to help their safety initiatives, fuel conservation, incentive-based pay and driver retention. Scorecards are a very powerful means of behavior modification. There are some businesses that post their driver scorecards every week in their driver's break room for all to see. The exposure gives credit to the strong drivers, and puts pressure on those that need improvement (peer pressure and management pressure). Driver scorecards and KPI (key performance indicator) dashboards are available as stand-alone products, as part of consulting services and in some fleet management solutions.
Information on Cadec’s GYR Driver Scorecard can be found at
You can also check out how some companies are using the Cadec Driver Scorecard in the Resource section at
Author: Frank Moreno