We recently had a great discussion with TechTarget on the use of Oracle and Linux for the PowerVue fleet management system. Check out the article:
"Firm picks Oracle 10g on Red Hat Enterprise Linux for the long haul By Jack Loftus, News Writer, 19 Oct, 2007 SearchEnterpriseLinux.com"
When it came time for fleet tracking and management software provider Cadec Global LLC to rebuild its software as a Software as a Service (SaaS) offering, Cadec's chief architect, Heimir Sverrisson, knew it had to be deployed on Linux, not Microsoft Windows or a proprietary Unix flavor like Sun Microsystems' Solaris or IBM's AIX.
Cadec's old system, Mobius TTS, was a client/server application based on Microsoft Windows running SQL Server. From the outset, Windows was eliminated because of scalability concerns; it didn't scale well enough to be used as a mission-critical SaaS platform. "On system administration tasks and operations, it was cumbersome and hard to script, and as a platform, hidden registries were a nasty thing, and you couldn't move components across machines very easily," Sverrisson said.
Click here for full article: http://searchenterpriselinux.techtarget.com/originalContent/0,289142,sid39_gci1277719,00.html
Author: Heimir Sverrisson